• Apr 16 2023 - 17:32
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Quds Day 2023

International Quds Day marked at St. Lawrence University, Main Campus

The function was organized by the Cultural Consulate of I.R. Iran on the theme: The necessity of the commitment of the international community to recognize the sovereignty of the Palestinian people.



Among the guests included members of the diplomatic Corps including Saharawi Islamic Arab Republic, H.E. Ismail Ayobami Alatise from the High Commission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, H.E. Carmelo-Micha Nguema Misi from the Embassy of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, H.E. Mohamed Bachir El Ouali from  Embassy of Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Dr Tamouh Moustafa - Honorary Consul from  Syrian Arab Republic , H.E. Mrs. Tania Perez Xiques from Cuba, H.E. Sara Wolelaw Melese, the Charged d’Affairs, Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs of the Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, H.E Mrs. Epiphanie Ntamwana Kabushemeye from the Embassy of the Republic of Burundi  among and it was graced by Hon. Peace Regis Mutuuzo, the State Minister for Gender and Culture.


University students from Islamic University in Uganda, St. Lawrence University, Al-Mustafa Islamic College, Makerere University, Nkumba University, Kampala University and Namasuba College of commerce participated in the glorious celebrations of international Quds Day.


The function was opened by Quranic recitation from brother Byekwaso Hussein Ahmed from Al-Mustafa Islamic College.

While speaking, Dr. Rouhollah Dehghani, the Rector of Al-Mustafa Islamic College opened up the session and highlighted that Palestine should be considered an independent nation with its sovereignty.

He commended African countries for standing firm against the Zionist occupation regime.


Dr. Hadijah Katongole, a lecturer from Kampala International University congratulated participants upon reaching the Quds Day and expressed her heartfelt condolences to the recent incident where Israel killed Palestinian people while praying in the holy place.

She condemned the international community for its silence while such barbaric actions and hegemony are being practiced on the children, youth and women of Palestine.

He also condemned the action of Israel administration for designating human rights organisations and activists in the land of Israel who come up to speak against the oppression and injustices.

She said that it's against that background that scholars and researchers come up to put pressure on Israel to stop such vices as the international community be held accountable for acts against humanity.


Prof. Adam Ssebyala, the academic professor and president of Uganda Shia Ithna Ashari Muslim Community rallied participants that the generation to come will hold Israel administration for raiding Entebbe international airport and destroying lives and properties.

He commended Cuba through the Cuban Ambassador to Uganda for the exemplary support of the nation of Cuba.

He recalled upon participants to take on the nonviolent means of showing solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people against the massacre of the oppressed by occupiers.

He said that International laws allow the oppressed to defend the sovereignty of their nation.

He said that it is similar to the olive branch of yesser Ararat who removed a pistol during the UN meeting years ago.

head of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Yesir Arafat, told the United Nationas General Assem bly today that his Organization's goal remained a Palestinian state that would include Moslems, Christians and Jews.


Israel's delegate, Yosef koah, sid in rebuttal that this would mean the destruction of Israel and the substitution of an Arab state. The two speeches at opening of the debate on “the Question of Palestine” were the highlight of one of the most dramatic and ‘tension‐fraught days in the history of the world organization.

He quoted Arafat and Tekoah speeches:

Mr. Arafat was applauded by many delegates in the 138 country Assembly when he said he was dreaming of “One democratic state where Jew and Muslim live in justice equality and fraternity such a state, he said, all Jews “now living in Palestine” could become citizens without dis crimination.

He narrated the plight of the Olive’ Branch and gun

In what a sounded like a threat of intensified guerrilla activity if the Palestine Liberation Organization's proposal for a multi-faith Palestinian state was not accepted, Mr. Arafat said toward the end of his speech:


I have come bearing an olive branch and freedom fighter's gun. Do not let the olive branch fall from my hands. “He appealed to the gathering to always not allow denial of freedoms and human rights of any global citizens as it is seen on the Palestinian people.



Saava Kassim Kabugo, the Buganda royal family spiritual controller asked to know the genesis of Quds

Why did they choose Palestine no other nations?

Prof Adam Sebyala responded that prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ascended to heavens through the same holy place.

The Solomon temple was only protected by the Muslim conquerors which was not the case with other conquerors.


The Jews believe that the land of Israel stretches from brook of Egypt to Euphrates in Iraq , to define the land that was given to all of the children of Abraham, including IshmaelZimranJokshanMidian, etc... he said that Uganda was among the selected countries which Israel wanted to occupy and preferred where prophet Ibrahim stepped his feet.

While speaking, H.E. Abdollah Abbasi, the Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, congratulated participants upon Quds Day celebrations.

He noted that Jihadi movements of the Palestinian people showed that the whole of Palestine has become a scene of resistance. Now the Palestinian people have a united opinion on the continuation of Jihad. These incidents and what has happened in Palestine in recent years are the seal of cancellation on all compromise plans with the Zionist enemy, because no plan about Palestine can be implemented in the absence or against the opinion of its owners, the Palestinians. This means that all previous agreements are void.

Of course, the Zionist regime continues its crimes even though it is out of breath. He kills unarmed women, children, old and young, imprisons and tortures, destroys houses, destroys fields and properties; But the liars claiming human rights in Europe and America have remained silent in front of all the crimes in Palestine and not only do not defend the oppressed but also help the oppressor.


This is a great lesson that these racist and antagonistic powers cannot and should not be relied on in the issues of the Islamic world, especially the issue of Palestine. Only with the power of resistance, which is derived from the teachings of the Holy Quran and the rules of Islam, it is Quds Day has arrived once again. Quds calls all the Muslims of the world. The truth is that as long as the Zionist regime has control over Quds, all days of the year should be considered as Quds Day. Quds Sharif is the heart of Palestine and the entire occupied country is the continuation of Quds. The Palestinian nation shows every day more than the past that it stands and will stand against the oppressor. With their selfless actions, the youth have become the shield of Palestine's defense and herald a different future.


The Zionist regime is facing many problems in both political and military fields; Polls say that almost 70% of Palestinians encourage Palestinian leaders to launch military attacks against the Zionist regime. This is an important phenomenon; Because it means that the Palestinians are fully prepared to confront the Zionist regime, and it leaves the Mujahid organizations free to intervene whenever they deem necessary.

It is possible to solve the problems of the Islamic world, especially the problem of Palestine.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is a supporter of the Resistance Front and Palestine; We have always said this and we are acting on it and insisting on it.

In the end, we salute the souls of the Palestinian martyrs, we pay our respects to their patient families, and we salute the Palestinian prisoners who resist with firm will...

 While speaking, H.E. Majid Saffar, the Iranian Ambassador to Uganda thanked organizers for remembering the celebrations of international Quds Day and noted that the day was declared by Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

He condemned the Israel’s action of displacement, expansion, massacre of the oppressed Palestinian people.

He called for working together to establish peace and freedoms of the sovereignty of Palestine.

He called upon the international community to stand against injustices and oppression.


Speech of the Hon. Peace Regis Mutuuzo, the state minister for Gender and Culture at St. Lawrence University, Kampala

She congratulated Muslims upon the holy month of Ramadhan and Quds Day which Manifests Humanity, Sanctity and solidarity for the oppressed.

She noted that there are many forces against humanity and no country is safe including Uganda, as there is a global soft war going on in us amidst.

She informed participants that Uganda has enjoyed peace for the last year's and they are passionate about the quality of life of Ugandans to prepare for the enemy if boundaries are attacked. She added that they train the youth to be resourceful and responsible citizens of the global community.

She condemned the homosexuality promotion and stood against the homosexuality plan as it is intended to disrespect the women and family setting especially in all divine religion and cultural values.

She informed participants that Uganda is hosting migrants from neighboring countries which were affected with civil wars.

She said that the current wars do not need guns and bombs but mind driven through neocolonialism.

She thanked the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran for investing in education, humanity, resourceful conferences and programs.


She rallied participants about the intellectual property which is a basis for development of respective countries.

She recalled Nelson Mandela who was imprisoned for more than 20 years but he didn't leave a strong family regardless of his exemplary legacies and fighting for freedom in South Africa and beyond.

The government of Uganda is already available at high level to support the Palestine cause.

International Quds Day is considered a manifestation of the Muslim and Christian unity to condemn the crimes and denounce the racist and anti-human characteristics of the Zionists, and a symbol of resistance.

Undoubtedly, the installation of the unlawful and fake existence of the Zionist regime has turned out to be the most significant cause of western Asian instability and insecurity since 1948. The oppressed and resilient Palestinians, with reliance on the support of Muslims and the freedom-seekers in the world, have stood up against the great oppression and have baffled this fake regime with a series of Palestinian intifadas.

H.E. Dr. Tamouh Mustafa, the Honary Consul of the Arab Republic of Syria appreciated the Cultural Consulate of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran for organizing the historic international Quds Day.

He noted the recent video clip which showed Israel's terror action of killing people while praising almighty God in the holy place of worship.

He rallied participants to study human rights more as the people who claim to be human rights defenders don't act ethically and practically.


H.E. Salek Radhi, The Ambassador of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic noted most people know about the current trends in Palestine but less has been done to amplify the voices and demand for equal rights and justice.

He commended Uganda for being one of the significant nations that respect the principle of peace and security.

He expressed full solidarity towards the oppressed Palestinian people and condemned Morocco for working with Israel to infiltrate the African affairs.







                                      Hon. Peace Regis Mutuuzo, the state minister for Gender and Culture at St. Lawrence University, Kampala


H.E. Majid Saffar, the Iranian Ambassador to Uganda


H.E. Dr. Tamouh Mustafa, the Honary Consul of the Arab Republic of Syria


H.E. Salek Radhi, The Ambassador of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic


H.E. Abdollah Abbasi, the Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran



Prof. Adam Ssebyala, the academic professor and president of Uganda Shia Ithna Ashari Muslim Community


Dr. Hadijah Katongole, a lecturer from Kampala International University


Dr. Rouhollah Dehghani, the Rector of Al-Mustafa Islamic College

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