• Jan 30 2023 - 17:16
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The Inter university Dialogue on Women opened by Mr. Abdollah Abbasi

Interuniversity Debate & Public Speaking Competitions at Islamic University in Uganda, Kibuli

This competition was organized on the theme: Combating and Preventing Violence against Women where students shared their views and opinions on what must be done to elevate the woman in the society to create everlasting solutions violence against women.

This function was graced by Mr. Abdollah Abbasi, the Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Uganda. He was accompanied by his wife, Hajat Zeinab Abbasi who practically represented Iranian women at the ceremony.

Among the Islamic University in Uganda(IUIU) officials was the Dean faculty of Law, Mr.  Ssenyondo Hassan, Miss Banurah, the female warden among others.

The Islamic University in Uganda was opened in the year 1988 by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) under a bilateral agreement between the Government of Uganda (GOU) and the OIC. In 1990, the Parliament of Uganda enacted a law, The Islamic University in Uganda Act (cap 131, Laws of Uganda), formally establishing the University in Uganda. The University operates under the framework of this Act.

The University opened on 10th February 1988 with 80 students and two degree programmes. Currently, they have over 120 accredited programs, 8 Faculties and a student population of over 10,000 coming from 21 different countries. The University has so far graduated over 45,000 students from various disciplines. IUIU seeks Knowledge and Solutions to transform Africa and the world. Their researchers are making discoveries that increase knowledge and benefit society.

While speaking about religious hindrances, one participant said that some faith keeps women behind in education and leadership fields. He added that it's always better if the society give equal rights and opportunities.



Prof. Adam Sebyala, the University lecturer and President of Uganda Shia Ithna Ashari Muslim Community on women, said that it's only the Islamic Republic of Iran which respect women equality and noted that philosophers challenged religion and introduced secularism but Imam Khomeini brought it back to life through the establishment of the mohammedan religion based leadership.

Before the coming of Islam, women and girls suffered as properties and infanticide respectively. The Prophet emphasized that the best among us is one who treats well his wife and solved domestic violence and abuse.

Islam prohibited slavery gradually and it was a virtuous act to free slaves in phases.

Civilization of nations is measured on the way they handle their juniors, be it a wife or a slave. That's why Islam prohibited slavery gradually by closing the inlets and opening the exits and it made giving freedom to a slave to be most virtuous action.

But Mahatma Gandhi went on to lower it down to how humans treat animals and said that it is measured on how they treat their animals.

The prophetic tradition says, it would be better if a slave servant brings a meal to the master, they slice and serve them before others.

Imam Khomeini referred to women as equal partners in relation to creation. Without them, reproduction will end.

A woman was looked at something to be used, as a utility with no right even to life because she was killed in infancy, Infanticide and as a wife, was inherited like a property but Islam made her one of the heirs.

Domestically, the prophet put a measurement for the best man to be one who treats well his wife, as a leverage for the best husband.

And as of the Islamic Revolution whose leader, Imam Khomeini, was the most famous religious personality of the last century improved on the status and rights of women. Imam Khomeini described them as equal to men in creation.

The Human race cannot continue without women. Because we are partners in reproduction.

Post –Islamic Revolution fact files: life expectancy of women increased from 57% to 77%, in education, 6% to 50%, female Professors from 1% to 21%, illiteracy reduction 99.30% (2016), in sports 5 women medals now at 200 medals, female Doctors were 597 and now multiplied by 50%, female activists’ groups were 5 and now at 2700 Among others.

On speaking, Mr. Abdollah Abbasi, the Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran expressed that the word “woman” is the most beautiful word of creation and is the most effective factor in education and mental, psychological and physical health of children, family and society. The importance of addressing the issue of women is rooted in the importance of the institution of family, because this institution is the fundamental pillar of human society. The first condition of having a healthy and dynamic society is maintaining the health and stability of the family, which depends on the constructive role of women in the family. If this is not the case, a large part of human social identity will be destroyed and as a result, individual and social efforts will remain fruitless and unfulfilled. One of the most important roles that a woman can play is the role of mother and wife, which is also very valuable in religious teachings. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware of her position and the roles she can play in family relations.

He added that today, half of the population of our society is made up of women. The role of women in society is very important and women of a society can engage in social, economic and cultural activities alongside men.

 In today's society, the presence of women in the society shows the degree of development of a country. Considering women's family responsibility, social responsibility should not be ignored, but family responsibilities always come first; Therefore, women can have effective social responsibilities in the society by maintaining their family responsibility. However, if the social and economic presence of women is supposed to be at the cost of disintegrating the foundation of the family, it is definitely not a sign of progress and civilization, but rather the cause of the decline and decay of the society.

"On this basis, one of the most important achievements of the Islamic Republic of Iran is giving identity to women. After the victory of the Islamic revolution, Iranian Muslim women were able to grow and develop, and by relying on themselves, they could shine in various political, social, cultural, sports, and other fields”, he noted

In the Islamic Republic of Iran, the issue of gender was used in the service of human excellence, not in the service of human degradation and moral decay, as it is what we see in the western world.

The moral, personal, political, social and cultural development of women in the Islamic Republic of Iran is clear, and the reason for this is the desperate efforts of the enemy's propaganda apparatuses. The statistics related to the successful presence of women in the Islamic Republic of Iran in various social, scientific, political, economic and sports fields are proof of the positive and impressive role of this influential segment of the society.







Mr. Abdollah Abbasi, The Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran


Prof. Adam Sebyala on the achievements of Women before and after the Islamic Revolution










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