• Mar 10 2023 - 18:38
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Womens Day Symposium at Al-Mustafa Islamic College Kyengera

This event was organised by the Cultural Consulate of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Uganda on the theme: "Women in the contemporary world a religious perspective"

It attracted students from Al-Mustafa Islamic College, Islamic University in Uganda, Makerere University Business School, Metropolitan International University, and Islamic Call University College among other institutions of higher learning.


This ceremony was graced by Hon. Hajat Minsa Kabanda, the Minister for Kampala Capital City and Metropolitan affairs, Mr. Abdollah Abbasi, the Cultural Counselor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Uganda, Hon. Luyimbaazi Issah Katungulu, The African Youth Ambassador, Hon. Viola Kabasindi, and the Member of Parliament for Hoima District.


Sister Bushira Badrudeen Nantege, a student from Islamic University in Uganda, female campus shared a presentation on Gender equality.

She said that gender Equity is about having equal access to power, resources and opportunities.

She said that the holy Quran addresses gender equality in Surat Hujurat. She cited the issue of owning and possession properties and assets.

"Acquisition of education is mandatory to every male and female as the prophetic tradition goes", she reminded participants.


Sister Nakalanzi Bridget from Al-Mustafa Islamic College said that educating the woman is like educating the whole nation.

Empowerment of women is everyone's cardinal duty and obligation to make our society vibrant.


Hon. Viola Kabasindi,the woman member of Parliament for Hoima District said that women in the contemporary world should prioritize security and safety in terms of dressing and social behavior.

She implored the participants to be more innovative, creative and mind about the environment.

She advised participants to think about employable and entrepreneurship skills for sustainability and household income.

She thanked the government of Uganda for providing platform for women to serve the country in different ways.


Dr. Madina Kyambadde, lecturer from Islamic University in Uganda female campus said that violence against women is also caused by women in the aspects of financial, emotional, mental and physical issues and this has been evidenced by the local media. She said that for those who subscribe to the holy Quran, there's need to support each other in various ways.

She implored the women to have a positive attitude, noble character, exhibit patience and humility to avoid violence.


While speaking, Dr. Fatuma Yusuf from Makerere University Business School said that all girls are women in the making because they’re looking up for their parents. She said that violence against women is likely to affect the mental, physical and emotional.

She said that decency is part of the causes of violence against women in the contemporary world.

Sister Samia Zahra also added that there’s need to sensitize the public about gender based Violence in the community.

Dr. Mariam Nakigudde, a lecturer from Makerere University narrated a story of her mother who used to feed the affected victims of violence against women and she rallied students to always standout and speak for the voiceless.


Madam Nabisuubi Halima, a professional teacher and businesswoman from Kawempe questioned the audience on their cardinal duty and responsibilities to shed light on the future of their respective children.

She implored the stakeholders to take on respective roles to build the nation by standing against all social vices that come with computer misuse.


Sister Kanji Shifah from Metropolitan International University discussed early marriages which were explained as marriage before reaching the age of 18 years according to the constitution of respective countries.

Hon. Luyimbaazi Issah Katungulu, The African Youth Ambassador congratulated outstanding women upon reaching the international women’s day and thanked H.E. Mr. Abdollah Abbasi ,the Cultural Counselor for supporting women causes through such platforms of voicing out their issues.

He called upon stakeholders to champion the protection and safety of women and girls at workplaces, homes, schools and markets to reduce on the risks of violence against women and girls.

He reminded participants that celebrating women as mothers and sisters whether professionally or personally is a sense of commitment to each other and every woman in one’s life regardless of the status and positions.

He implored women to understand their values and role in the society to be aware of the Western domination through media platforms that fight to bring down the positive image of a woman yet the holy Quran raised her position. He asked stakeholders to take a leaf from the numerous achievements of iranian women who have advanced their country through selflessly serving in medicine, science and technology under the charismatic leadership of Imam seyyed Khamenei



H.E. Abdollah Abbasi, the Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran said that the religion of Islam has given a high position to women. Based on this, one of the most important achievements of the Islamic Republic of Iran was giving identity to women who make up half of the population of Iran. After the victory of the Islamic revolution, Iranian Muslim women were able to grow and develop in the society.

In the 44 years after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, unlike the West, which makes women the manifestation and embodiment of sexual emotions, efforts have been made to use the intellectual talent and enormous potential of women for the advancement of her and the society, and this is primarily considered to strengthen the foundation of the family as the basic principle of the excellence of the society.

Therefore, in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the issue of gender was used in the service of human excellence, not in the service of human degradation and moral decay as it is customary in the western world. The moral, personal, political, social and cultural growth of women in the Islamic Republic of Iran is well known and the reason for this is the desperate efforts of the enemy's propaganda apparatuses and their attacks against this country, which use false pretexts to justify the violation of women's rights. With all their insolence and shamelessness, they are trying to destroy the exalted position of women in Iranian-Islamic society.

But fortunately, promoting women's human rights and dignity and empowering them is one of the prerequisites for the development of the Islamic-Iranian society, which is stated in all relevant institutions and laws. Therefore, Western attacks and propaganda have not been able to reduce the position of women in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and day by day, women in Iranian society have shone in various fields of science, politics, social and cultural management.

"A quick look at numerous publications and books in the country, including scientific, research, historical, literary, political and artistic, which are published in the name of women in our country, indicates the high scientific status and high degrees of women”, he noted.


He added that the activity of Iranian women in the fields of medicine, technology and technology is also very impressive, and women in the fields related to modern sciences have been and are the source of influence and progress.

The published international statistics regarding the successful presence of Iranian women after the victory of the Islamic Revolution in various social, scientific, political, economic and sports fields are proof of the positive and significant role-playing of this influential section of the society. Women who are the key to the success and prosperity of Islamic Iran.

The position of women in the system of the Islamic Republic is so high that the Supreme Leader says: "A woman is a hero." The most important responsibility of a woman is to be a lady; The meaning of the code of femininity is not service, its meaning is that it makes the family environment a safe, calm and kind environment for the family and for the wife; With his own kindness, with the dignity that is assumed for him at home. The western woman is the embodiment of consumption, make-up, showing off in front of men and the means of sexual excitement of the male type and the male gender.


 Islam has closed the door on the path that leads to sexuality to this point of deviation by means of hijab; not allowed Islamic hijab is a means of women's immunity; Hijab is not a means of restricting women but protection from sick eyes.


Hajat Minsa Kabanda, the Minister for Kampala Capital City and metropolitan affairs was humbled to be preside over the women Symposium.

She recognized the presence of H.E. Abdollah Abbasi, the Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Uganda.

She congratulated participants upon the international women day on the theme; Women in the contemporary world.

She implored participants that involving into early marriages, bring about cervical cancer, prostate cancer and so many other diseases.

She said that she is so close to the Islamic Republic of Iran and she has had many collaborations with the Islamic Republic on different occasions.

She said that women should always know their values, and role in the society. 

As women, we have the duty of guiding the nation through parenthood, instilling discipline.

She expressed gratitude upon being part of the official opening of Al-Mustafa Islamic College and thanked the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran for establishing such an education institution that offer knowledge and skills to Ugandans.


H.E. Mr. Abdollah Abbasi , the Cultural Counselor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran


Hon. Hajat Minsa Kabanda, the Minister for Kampala Capital City and Metropolitan affairs


Dr. Madina Kyambadde, lecturer from Islamic University in Uganda female campus


Hon. Luyimbaazi Issah Katungulu, The African Youth Ambassador


Hajat Mariam Nakigudde from Makerere University Business School


Sister Bushira Badrudeen Nantege, a student from Islamic University in Uganda


Hon. Viola Kabasindi, the NRM Member of Parliament for Hoima District.


sister Hamidah Naigaga from Al-Mustafa Islamic College


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