• Apr 28 2022 - 15:16
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6th Global Fashion and Design Week at ICMEI / Noida

inaugural session of 6th Global Fashion and Design Week at Marwah Studios-

The 6th Global Fashion and Design Week was inaugurated at Marwah Studios Noida, the most popular place of Noida Film City in  200 designers60 countries, 9 major shows, 5 exhibitions in 3 days  was full of entertainment. Dr Sandeep Marwah Welcome Guest  of  6th Global Fashion and Design Week Noida 2022 and  said:

Iran has been the regular participants in all the events organized by Marwah Studios. I am happy that we are here in this fashion week too. Fashion is the part of culture of any country,” Dr. Shukrullahi Director Iran Culture Centre- New Delhi.

Coffee Table Book Launch by the dignities prepared by Vaibhi Dhawan student of Fashion Communication of AAFT. Chirag Nagpal projected the garments influenced by the culture of Papua New Guinea, Shivangi Raghav & Ravi from Malaysia, Sambhavi Jha displayed the garments from Peru, Anshika Jindal & Manav covered Iran, Md. Saif touched Germany, Arushika Shah, Nabiya Sameer & Tanvi showed up with country of Comoros during the session.

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