• Nov 28 2023 - 16:11
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Ambassador of I.R.Iran, Cultural Counselor and Representative of Iran's Sa’adi Foundation in India met and exchanged views with the President of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi.

Ambassador of I.R.Iran, Cultural Counselor and Representative of Iran's Sa’adi Foundation in India met and exchanged views with the President of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi.

On 24th November 2023 Dr. Iraj Elahi the hon’ble Ambassador of I.R. Iran in India, Dr. Fariduddin Faridasr, Cultural Counselor with Qahraman Soleimani, the Director of the Persian Research Center (representative of the Sa’adi Foundation) in India, met Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, the President of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations which comes under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of India, new chapter in the bilateral cultural, artistic and academic cooperation and interaction between India and Iran opened views were exchanged on various matter.

Hon’ble Ambassador of I.R.Iran emphasized on the revival, renewal and development of the cultural cooperation agreement which was previously signed about 7 years ago and said that there is room to add some more cooperation in the cultural, artistic and academic activities.

In order to establish cooperation in the field of handicrafts and miniature, Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe suggested the interlinking of the city of Isfahan of Iran and Uttar Pradesh, the largest state of India as a twin city, and promised to follow this matter personally, and also in response to Dr. Faridasr's suggestion regarding establishing more interaction with the Indian Artists, approved by the ICCR said: We will send a list of artistic elites of India to you.

Further, Dr. Faridasr requested to introduce a Producer, a Director and a famous Bollywood actor for Fajr International Film Festival, which the President of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations promised to expedite.

During the conversation, Dr. Iraj Elahi requested Mr. Viny Soharboodi, to increase the scholarship quota for Iranian students to this country through the Indian Council of Cultural Relations of India and said that a significant number of Iranian students prefer India over Western countries due to cultural commonalities. They prioritize that there is room for more Iranian students to be admitted by the relevant institutions of this country, and even in relation to the diversity of fields and academic trends, it will be a reason to be grateful if there is a revision.
He said that the Ministry of Culture of India can look at this issue as a joint project so that we can pay attention to this cultural heritage of the two countries with a more serious approach of bilateral cooperation. Mr. Soleimani suggested that it is appropriable if fields such as technology etc. are considered as an educational esteem or subjects for Iranian students in India.

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