• Apr 6 2023 - 10:25
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Symposium on “Philosophy of Worship in Iqbal’s Poetry” was held in Iran Culture House, New Delhi

In the Holy month of Ramdhan Iran Culture House, New Delhi has organized a symposium on "Philosophy of Worship in the Poetry of Iqbal” on 25th March 2023.

In the Holy month of Ramdhan Iran Culture House, New Delhi has organized a symposium on "Philosophy of Worship in the Poetry of Iqbal” on 25th March 2023. In this event, Dr. Mohd AliRabbani, Cultural Counselor of Iran in New Delhi, Dr. Taqi Abedi, Prominent Urdu Critic, Professor Akhlaq Ahan, head of the Persian & Central Asain studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Professor Iraq Reza Zaidi, former head of the department Persian, Jamia Millia Islamia, Dr. Kaleem Asghar, JMI, Dr. Shamimul Haq Sediqi, Zakir Hussain College, gave a speech about the philosophy of worship in the eyes of Iqbal.

Dr. Rabbani called Allameh Iqbal as one of the greatest Persian poets of the sub-continent, and which expressing his characteristics, he said: Like Nima Yoshij, Allameh Iqbal was the creator of a new style in Persian poetry. He emphasized that Allameh Iqbal is one of the most prominent and influential figures of the Islamic intellectual in the last century, who, unlike other intellectuals could influenced by Western developments and Western philosophy after the European Renaissance and take advantage of Western philosophy to create new dimensions.

Professor Akhlaq Ahan said that to think about the philosophy of Universe is a kind of worship, he added: Allameh Iqbal considers movement as the basic principle for progress, and if someone’s today is like yesterday, he is not alive. Professor Iraq Reza Zaidi said that Allameh Iqbal's poems were influenced by the Qur'an. Majid knew and said: Iqbal's interest in Imam Ali (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) had a special affection that a person should not prostrate in front of a tyrant

The Key speaker of the event was Dr. Taqi Abedi, a resident of Canada, has pointed out that knowledge without action, and action without sincerity, and sincerity without certainty; it has no meaning he said: The philosophy of worship is the core thought process of Iqbal's poetry. He called Allameh Iqbal's philosophy of worship as salvation from the fear of other than God. He added: According to Allameh Iqbal, fear of other than God hinders human action.

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