• Apr 22 2022 - 15:47
  • 623
  • Study time : Less than one minute

Exhibition cum-workshop of calligraphy and Quranic illumination was held in Urdu Academy, New Delhi

Quranic and Iranian arts to Indian audiences, an exhibition cum-workshop on calligraphy and illumination was organized by Iran Culture House, New Delhi in collaboration with Urdu Academy at their center

In order to introduce Quranic and Iranian arts to Indian audiences, an exhibition cum-workshop on calligraphy and illumination was organized by Iran Culture House, New Delhi in collaboration with Urdu Academy at their center. In this event, Mr. Taj Mohammad, Vice Chairman Urdu Academy, Delhi, Chairman, Delhi Hajj Committee, a Member of the Delhi State Assembly, Members of the Academy, Number of professors and students, as well as calligraphy students of the center were present in this program.

In this program, Dr. Ali Rabbani, the Cultural Counselor of Iran in New Delhi gave an inaugural address and Vice Chairman introduced Iranian Artists and their work of calligraphy and illumination. These workshop  was welcomed by professors, students and calligraphers.

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