Shirazi Aush

Shirazi Aush

Shirazi Aush

Since different types of fresh nutritious vegetables are used in Iranian aushes, they are considered healthy dietary dishes. Shirazi people eat this dish as breakfast or an appetizer.

Aush Sabzi is sometimes cooked as a votive food during the months of Muharram and Safar mourning ceremonies or Ramadan. The cooking process of this aush may be a bit time-consuming, but it will have a delicious and nourishing ending!

Ingredients for 4 people

Mutton: half a kilo (It is better to use shoulder or neck meat)

Onions: two

Rice, white beans, peas, and lentils: one cup each

Fresh leek, tarragon, and dill: 200 grams each

Dry savory: one tablespoon

Dry mint: two tablespoons

Oil, salt, black pepper, red pepper, and turmeric: as per taste


Soak the beans in cold water at least the night before cooking. It is better to boil each of these beans in a separate container. During this time, you can change their water once or twice and continue this until the water of the beans does not turn yellow anymore. Soak the rice in the same way, one or two hours before cooking.

Chop one of the onions and the meat and fry in oil until the color of both changes. While roasting, add black pepper and turmeric to it and stir them well so that the spices are evenly combined with the meat and onion. After that, boil this mixture in a pot until the meat is well cooked. This process will take at least two hours.

After the meat is cooked, remove it from the broth. Then drain the water of peas and beans, put them both together in a pot, and place the pot on a medium flame to cook. You can also add lentils to this pot a quarter of an hour later or boil them in another pot. After the beans are cooked, pour half of it into a large pot and add the water from which you removed the meat. Then empty the rice water, add the rice to it, and put the dish on the flame until it boils and thickens. While boiling, you must stir this mixture well so that it does not stick. This step will take an hour.

In the meantime, beat together the ingredients that you removed from the water, that is, the meat and the other half of the beans. When the broth gets rather thick, add this beaten mixture to it and stir continuously so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pot. While stirring, add dry spices, salt, black pepper, red pepper, and turmeric to it. After the aush becomes thick, it is ready to be served!

How to Serve Aush-e Sabzi

You can use fried onion and fried mint to decorate the aush. Some people consume this with bread. However, since it contains meat, rice, and beans, Aush-e Sabzi is a complete meal on its own and can be considered a full meal.



Since different types of fresh nutritious vegetables are used in Iranian aushes, they are considered healthy dietary dishes.

Name Shirazi Aush
Country Iran
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