• Mar 11 2024 - 11:55
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A Status Report on Women and Family in the World Volume 1: Iranian Women’s Achievements and Developments, with A Thoughtful Look at Certain Countries

A Status Report on Women and Family in the World Volume 1: Iranian Women’s Achievements and Developments, with A Thoughtful Look at Certain Countries

A Status Report on Women and Family in the World
Volume 1: Iranian Women’s Achievements and Developments, with A
Thoughtful Look at Certain Countries
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................3
A Selection of Imam Khomeini’s Quotes on the Issue of Women ...................................................................4
A Selection of Ayatollah Khamenei’s Quotes on the Issue of Women along with their References .................7
Part I: Healthcare
Islamic Republic of Iran’s Achievements in terms of Women’s Healthcare ..................................................13
Comparative Analysis of Women’s Advancements in Healthcare Field ........................................................15
Part II: Science and Education
Islamic Republic of Iran’s Achievements in terms of Women’s Science and Education ...............................24
Comparative Analysis of Women’s Advancements in Science and Education Field ....................................28
Part III: Sports
Islamic Republic of Iran’s Achievements in terms of Women’s Sports ..........................................................32
Comparative Analysis of Women’s Advancements in Sports Field ...............................................................33
Part IV: Economic Participation
Islamic Republic of Iran’s Achievements in terms of Economic Participation ..............................................37
Comparative Analysis of Women’s Advancements in Economic Participation Field ...................................38
Part V: Political Participation
Islamic Republic of Iran’s Achievements in terms of Women’s Political Participation .................................44
Comparative Analysis of Women’s Advancements in Political Participation Field .......................................46
Part VI: Arts and Media
Islamic Republic of Iran’s Achievements in terms of Women’s Arts and Media ...........................................49
Comparative Analysis of Women’s Advancements in Arts and Media Field .................................................50
Part VII: Social Participation
Islamic Republic of Iran’s Achievements in terms of Women’s Social Participation .....................................55
Part VIII: Power and Decision Making
Islamic Republic of Iran’s Achievements in terms of Women’s Decision Making .........................................58
Comparative Analysis of Women’s Advancements in Decision Making Field ..............................................59
Part IX: Environment
Islamic Republic of Iran’s Achievements in terms of Women’s Environment ...............................................63
Comparative Analysis of Women’s Advancements in Environment Field ....................................................64
Reliable Resources on the Subject of Women ................................................................................................66
Islamic Republic of Iran in women, family and lifestyle field in the international arena is necessary for
both the realization of the Islamic Revolution and reaching the Islamic civilization.
The Islamic Revolution approach has experienced many ups and downs through these four decades, so
interaction with the human rights mechanisms, international organizations and other countries entails a
special scrutiny.
In the same regard, explaining about the achievements and advancements of the Islamic Republic of
Iran in the field of women and family and also giving a realistic portrait of the women status and their
life’s reality in terms of important issues and pivots in other countries, especially in the United States and
Canada, who requested the removal of Iran from the United Nations Commission on the Status of
Women, and also countries who not only voted for this request but also asked for Human Rights Council’s
resolution against Iran (including Germany and Finland) and fund the fact-finding mission approved by
the High Council for Human Rights, let the activists who are working in this field to deal with the women’s
issue in the international level with a more precise consideration and away from media propaganda.
Relying on its field work experience in this field, assessment of the international activists’ needs to
content supply and also explaining the guidelines of working on women, family and lifestyle field in the
international level, the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization’s (ICRO) Women and Family International
Cultural Relations Department has embarked on compiling and publishing a set of guidebooks as Jahan
Banoo (literally meaning Global Woman).
As well as providing a set of guidelines, Jahan Banoo recommends the activists of this field to consider
the working tips when they try to produce some proper contents for the Islamic Revolution’s discourse:
1. Introducing the outstanding achievements and measures of the Islamic Republic of Iran on policymaking
level, upstream documents, legal and executive measures:
1.1 Policy making and upstream documents include:
• Speeches of Imam Khomeini (RA) and Ayatollah Khamenei
• General policies of the country and Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution’s enactments
• The Constitution
• New and innovative laws
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