• Apr 28 2022 - 11:53
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Exhibition on Quran & Islamic relics underway at Salar Jung Museum: Hyderabad: - India

State Home Minister Mohammed Mahmood Ali inaugurated a five-day exhibition on Quran and art of Islamic calligraphy at Salar Jung Museum on Tuesday.

State Home Minister Mohammed Mahmood Ali inaugurated a five-day exhibition on Quran and art of Islamic calligraphy at Salar Jung Museum on Tuesday. It was held in Mir Abbas Yar Jung Hall, Western block.

The museum has the privilege of displaying a full chapter of the world's biggest manuscript of the Quran measuring 2 x 2 meters (on opening) height of 2 m and width of 1 m.

The exhibition is being held in the holy month of Ramzan with the joint efforts of the Noor International Microfilm Centre, New Delhi, Salar Jung Museum, Jamia Nizamia, Siasat daily, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad National Urdu University, and Idara Adabiyat Urdu.

Addressing the gathering, Ali said "There have been cultural and civilisational relations between India and Iran since ancient times. The relations are still thriving between these countries, especially in the field of Islamic calligraphy." "India and Iran are the two most important centres of Islamic calligraphy in the world.

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