• Mar 21 2022 - 11:03
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Ferdowsi University of Mashhad became the Secretariat of the Association of Persian Language and Literature Departments of Iranian and Indian Universities

Dr. Ehsan Ghabool, Director of International Academic and Scientific Relations and International Student Affairs of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM), spoke at the "first round of the joint meeting of Iranian and Indian universities on the development of Persian language educational cooperation” on March 8, 2022. He traveled to India for several programs at the invitation of the Cultural Counselor of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Delhi.

In this speech, Dr. Ghabool, while introducing FUM and the privileged position of the Persian Language Training Center for non-Persian speakers and the Department of Persian Language and Literature of this university, announced the readiness of FUM for joint courses in Persian language and literature with the University of India, holding educational courses for professors and summer schools for Indian students.


Referring to the fact that FUM is the central secretariat of scientific cooperation between Iran and India, as well as the secretariat of the Association of Taftash Universities (Tehran, Ferdowsi Mashhad, Tabriz, Isfahan, and Shiraz Universities), Dr. Ghabool announced that with the cooperate of these two secretariats, FUM has the possibility of establishing collaborations in the field of professor exchange, knowledge enhancement of professors and students, curriculum modification, updating educational content, holding various training courses virtually, participating in Indian doctoral students' dissertations as a joint supervisor. It should be noted that in this program, which was hosted by the Cultural Counselor of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Delhi, the directors of 30 universities from India and 16 universities from Iran spoke in person and virtually.


At the end of the meeting, which was attended by the Iranian ambassador to India and the directors of Persian language and literature departments of Indian universities, FUM was decided to be the secretariat of the Persian language and literature departments of Iran and India universities. Also, a series of collaborations related to professors, students, departments, and centers of Persian language and literature education should be performed by the planning of FUM and Iranian cultural consultation in India.

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