International Conference to felicitate the contributions of Professor Daeeul Islam was held in Hyderabad, India
International Conference to felicitate the contributions of Professor Daeeul Islam was held in Hyderabad, India

The International Conference in honor to felicitate the Professor Seyyed Mohammad Ali DaeeulIslam was held in Hyderabad on 24th Feb. 2025 with the presence of academicians and cultural figures from Iran and India.
The conference was attended by Abdul Hossein Khosropanah, Secretary, Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, I. R. Iran, Dr. Gholamali Haddad Adel, Chairman, Academy of Persian Language and Literature, I. R. Iran, Dr. Faridoddin Faridasr, Cultural Counselor, I. R. Iran in Delhi, Mr. Qaherman Soleimani, Director, Persian Research Centre, New Delhi and a group of university professors from the two countries, as well as Persian language students at Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University in Hyderabad, India.
At this conference, ten researchers and academician from the Indian & Iran presented their research on the life and works of the late Da'e-e-Islam.
Seyyed Mohammad Ali DaeeulIslam was one of the greatest scholars of the Persian language and the Islamic world during the Qajar and Pahlavi periods. He was born in Amol 150 years ago.
The late DaeeulIslam was a poet, writer, researcher, and head of Safakhaneh (the Islamic Dawat Office) in Isfahan. At that time, he debated with Christian missionaries with logic and argument. He was also the head of Iran's first religious magazine called "Al-Islam".
DaeeulIslam, who had studied in Amol, Tehran and Isfahan, came to India after performing Hajj. In India, after becoming familiar with the English language, the cultures of this country and the ancient languages (Pahlavi, Avestan, Sanskrit, Hebrew, Gujarati and Mazandarani), he wrote the Culture of the System, which is in five volumes. His pen name was "Da'ee" and his nickname was " DaeeulIslam ".
Many books have been published by the late DaeeulIslam, including "Iqbal and Persian Poetry, Latin Calligraphy for Persian, Easy Calligraphy for General Education, Poetry, and Modern Persian Poetry of Iran".
After years of struggle to preserve the Persian language and literature and the teachings of Islam in the Indian subcontinent, Professor DaeeulIslam passed away far from his homeland, at the age of 76.
His eternal tomb is in the Mir Mohammad Momin Astrabadi Circle in Hyderabad, India.
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