• Sep 4 2023 - 14:42
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The solidarity of religious personalities of India against insulting the Holy Quran

Political and religious figures of India gathered in a conference on the "The Holy Quran a flag-bearer of respect to all Holy scriptures" to express their protest against any anti-religious and insulting of the holy books organized by Culture House of the Islamic Republic of Iran in New Delhi, in collaboration with the India Islamic Cultural Center at IICC on 28 August 2023.

The solidarity of religious personalities of India against insulting the Holy Quran

Political and religious figures of India gathered in a conference on the "The Holy Quran a flag-bearer of respect to all Holy scriptures" to express their protest against any anti-religious and insulting of the holy books organized by Culture House of the Islamic Republic of Iran in New Delhi, in collaboration with the India Islamic Cultural Center at IICC on 28 August 2023.

Dr. Faridduin Faridasr, Cultural Counselor of I.R. Iran in New Delhi, condemned the blasphemy & insult of Holy Quran, and emphasized the need for the promotion of the human dignity & religious sanctity and emphasized that those who insult the Holy Quran are the servants of Satan. He added "If religious sanctities are insulted in the name of freedom of expression, we also have the right to condemn such movements in the name of freedom of expression."

Professor Akhtar Al-Wasey, said: A true Muslim is someone who believes in all divine prophets and divine books. We respect all religious books.

Dr. Thomas, Director, ISPS, New Delhi, one of the Christian leaders of India, considered humanity to be the true identity of a person and added: Humans should respect the opinions of others and should not prejudice others opinions in order to experience a peaceful life together.

 Ammar Abdul Hamid al-Khidr, Iraq's Cultural Counselor in India expressed that: A true Muslim firmly believes in all divine books and divine prophets, and this is one of the absolute principles of Islam and the teachings of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH).

Swami Chandra Dev Maharaj, a Hindu leader, also called the Qur'an and other holy books are carrying the message of love and humanity and added, we all must have humanity first.

Hujjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimeen Seyyed Mohsin Taqvi, of Shia Jama Masjid emphasized that a real Muslim is someone who is human and if we are not human, we are neither Muslim nor Hindu nor Christian. We must revive humanity in ourselves.

Referring to the message of the Supreme Leader, regarding the incident, Dr. Hosseini, chargé d'affaires of Embassy of I. R. Iran in India, emphasized that all religious people of the world should come forward united while preserving human dignity, conveying the message of the Holy Quran and other holy scriptures to the world as much as possible.

Mohammad Muslim Qasemi, the Head of Jamiat Ulama of India, Delhi branch, said: Satan's agents cannot reduce the sanctity of this holy book by insulting it, and it is the duty of the western countries to stop such actions.

The Declaration of this conference is as follows:

1. Derogatory insult to the Holy Quran, in addition to hurting the feelings of more than one billion Muslim people in the world, is an insult to all noble and God believing people round the globe. That's why, we consider this action to be a violation of the fundamental rights of billions of people universally and we condemn it.

2. Some satanic forces insulted the sanctities by abusing in the name of freedom; we also rely on the freedom and as a legal claim; ask the western governments to prevent the repetition of such behaviors by enacting appropriate laws.

3. Leaders of all divine religions in the world should be vigilant and realize that these conspiratorial and dangerous movements are not limited to Islam and one religion and ritual, and if it is not faced with serious action by all believers in the world, it will engulf as well. Therefore, while inviting all the leaders of religions to unity and Brotherhood against the devils, we ask them to reveal their disgust with these actions.

4. The elements behind these insults, which sometimes have the support of Western ideology, not to think that the divine light will be extinguished by their polluting tails, and that the flag of worships, spirituality and morality will fall to the ground with their insignificant struggles. History has proven that the worshipers always win and the Divine light always illuminates all darkness.

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