• Feb 4 2022 - 10:27
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Universities of Iran, Patiala ink pact

Punjabi University has signed a memorandum with Iran's University of Religions and Denominations (Qom, Iran) for cooperation and exchange of students, faculty.

Universities of Iran, Patiala ink pact

Punjabi University has signed a memorandum with Iran's University of Religions and Denominations (Qom, Iran) for cooperation and exchange of students, faculty.

Punjabi University has signed a memorandum with Iran’s University of Religions and Denominations (Qom, Iran) for cooperation and exchange of students, faculty.

As per the MoU signed on Wednesday, the university will exchange students and faculty to forward research and academic programmes.

They will organize joint conferences, workshops and seminars, change scholarly information in regard to Punjabi and Sikh studies and will undertake joint research projects.


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