• Nov 8 2023 - 13:41
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Zurkhaneh skills was held on 3rd Nov 2023 at Iran Culture House, New Delhi

Zurkhaneh skills events was held at the Iran Culture House in the presence of Dr. Iraj Elahi, the Hon’ble Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in India, Seyed Mohammad Bathai, Vice President of the International Zurkhaneh sports Federation of I.R. Iran, Dr. Farooq, the President of the Indian Zurkhaneh sports Federation, Gucci, one of the directors of the Indian Zurkhaneh sports Federation, Dr. Fariduddin Faridasr, the Cultural Counselor of the Islamic Republic of Iran in New Delhi, Dr. Qahraman Soleimani, the Director of the Persian Research Center Iran Culture House, and a group of people interested in this ancient sport on 3rd Nov 2023.

Zurkhaneh skills events  was held  at the Iran Culture House in the presence of Dr. Iraj Elahi, the Hon’ble Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in India, Seyed Mohammad Bathai, Vice President of the International Zurkhaneh sports Federation of I.R. Iran, Dr. Farooq, the President of the Indian Zurkhaneh sports Federation, Gucci, one of the directors of the Indian Zurkhaneh sports Federation, Dr. Fariduddin Faridasr, the Cultural  Counselor of the Islamic Republic of Iran in New Delhi, Dr. Qahraman Soleimani, the  Director of the Persian  Research Center Iran Culture House, and a group of people interested in this ancient sport on
3rd  Nov 2023.

Initial phase of Zurkhaneh sports and Iranian pahlawani wrestling  training was held at Patiala University in the Indian state of Punjab for one week for 30 Indian students. In this course, the participants were taught the techniques and preliminary skills of Zurkhaneh sports and Iranian pahlawani wrestling   .

Indian students participating in this are going to visit Iran soon for final phase and get grade C certificate for this sport.


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