• Nov 29 2023 - 10:01
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two-day international seminar focusing on "Persian translations of Sanskrit texts and its impact on Indian culture and society"

Persian Research Center of Aligarh Muslim University with the cooperation of Iran Culture House, New Delhi; has organized a two-day international seminar focusing on "Persian translations of Sanskrit texts and its impact on Indian culture and society" at Sir Syed Academy, AMU, on 29th- 30th November 2023.

Persian Research Center of Aligarh Muslim University with the cooperation of Iran Culture House, New Delhi; has organized a two-day international seminar focusing on "Persian translations of Sanskrit texts and its impact on Indian culture and society" at Sir Syed Academy, AMU, on 29th- 30th November 2023. In this event, Dr. Fariduddin Faridasr, Cultural Counselor Iran in New Delhi; Mr. Qahraman Soleimani, Director, Persian Research Center of Saadi Foundation, Mr. Habibullah Mirzazadeh, Charge De’ Affaires Tajikistan Embassy in India; Ms. Professor Zamira Ghaffarova, from Tajikistan; Prof. Sirajul Islam, Professor of Comparative Studies of Religions, Vishu Bharti University, Calcutta, Prof. Azarmidakht Safavi; The founder, Director Persian Research Center AMU, Prof. Osman Ghani, Director Persian Research Center, Prof. S. P. Sharma, head Sanskrit department, AMU, Professor Amir Nazir, Dean, Faculty of Humanities, AMU; Indian and foreign professors and researchers of Persian and Sanskrit language and literature were present.

After the formal welcome given by Professor Ehtsham; Dr. FaridAsr, expressed thanks to AMU for holding this seminar, discussed the role and historical importance of Persian translations of Sanskrit texts and the spiritual gifts that Iran has received from India throughout history, and they are a stable bridge between the two nations. He further said: I believe that studying Sanskrit texts and Indian history is inevitable for a history researcher in Iran. He continued and pointed out: Kalikeh w Demaneh, which is the translation of Panja Tantra and the most valuable gift of India to Iranians, has taught us the world to prefer dialogue and negotiation instead of monologue.

Professor Sirajul Islam from Vishwa Bharati University discussed the history of religions, Indian civilization and the rich literary tradition of Persian literature. Professor Islam emphasized the unique richness of Persian literature and introduced it as a global literary treasure.

Mr. Qahraman Soleimani, director, Persian Research Center and the representative of the Saadi Foundation in India, emphasized the vital role of the translations of Kalila w Damna in spreading of intellectual treasures at the global level, and the discourse on the acceptance of Kalila and Damna and how to protect this work in Iran He recounted the length of history and said: From the Arabic translation of Ibn Moqffa to its poetic translation by Rudaki and then until now, hundreds of translations, descriptions and reviews of it show the influence and effectiveness of Kalih and Demeneh in Iran.

Professor Azarmi Dekht Safavi presided over the ceremony and presented an overview of the life and works of Professor Zamira Ghaffari and displayed her scientific and literary activities. In addition, the publication of two other books, including the translation of Kalileh and Demeneh into Tajik, was unveiled. The Urdu translation of Sirre Akbar Dara Shekwah, which was printed and published by Prof. Safavi, was also unveiled.

The video message of Dr. Balram Shukla, director of Swami Vivekananda Cultural Center in Tehran, was played for the audience. Dr. Shukla showed how Iranians have contributed to the global spread of Indian knowledge and philosophy through translations.

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