• Oct 23 2022 - 15:46
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Kashmir is a safe place, for peaceful co-existence between Muslims & Non Muslims

"Kashmir is a safe place, for peaceful co-existence between Muslims & Non Muslims." Dr. Mohammad Ali Rabbani, Cultural Counselor the Islamic Republic of Iran, New Delhi

"Kashmir is a safe place, for peaceful co-existence between Muslims & Non Muslims."  Dr. Mohammad Ali Rabbani, Cultural Counselor the Islamic Republic of Iran, New Delhi

A conference on common Cultural Relations and Heritage of Iran and India was organized by people justice front in Gond Khwaja Qasim, ​​Baramulla district in North Kashmir. Dr. Mohammad Ali Rabbani, Cultural Counselor of the Islamic Republic of Iran, New Delhi was present as a special guest.

Seyyed Abbas Razavi, a researchers of Indo- Iranian history, and a significant number of Kashmiri scholars and scholars also participated in this conference.

Dr. Rabbani said during his speech in this conference that Good relations between Iran and India have existed since ancient times and will also continue in the future. "Being in India, I felt that Muslims live here in peace and tranquility. In India, sometimes Muslims and Non Muslims participate in each other's religious function. This is a good example of religious harmony that is exemplary to the world.

As for Kashmir, Rabbani said after visiting Kashmir I really felt it was a "safe and peaceful place". He asked Iranians to come to Kashmir so that they too can enjoy the hospitalities and natural beauty. "God gave me this great privilege that I visited Kashmir. In every way, the strong relationship between Iran and India is culturally unmatched in the world. We have learned here that there is no discrimination between Shia or Sunni or Sikh or Hindu in India.

He also mentioned India's educational achievements and further added that: before Islam, Medicine, Astronomy, Philosophy, etc. were taught in educational institutions in Nishapur where experts from India were present. People were enlightened by the light of education. After Islam, the four things that were taken into consideration were intellect, mysticism, morals and sermons of Ahl al-Bayt, literature and mutual respect for each other, which exists especially in India and Kashmir.

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