The first congress of contemporary Persian poets of India
  • Event group :
  • Event Status :
  • Start date : Nov 26 2022
  • End date : Nov 26 2022
  • Place : Iran Culture House New Delhi
  • Capacity : 100 Person
The first congress of contemporary Persian poets of India

“The first congress of contemporary Persian poets of India”

Time: Saturday, November 26, 2022

Venue: Iran Culture House, New Delhi

The composition of people participating in the program: a group of Persian poets from different states of India, Some of Iranian poets including Dr. Alireza Ghazveh, Director of Poetry and Music, IRIB, Iran)

The detail of the program: Persian poetry recitation on Iran-India relations, the Announcement of Anjume Psrsi Guyan-e Ma’ser-e- Hind, the Book Release of some Persian literary works by Indian poets.


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