Enhancing Financial Well-being for Youth in Islamic Nations
  • Event group :
  • Event Status :
  • Start date : Jan 30 2024
  • End date : Jan 31 2024
  • Place : Cultural Center
  • Capacity : 30 Person
Enhancing Financial Well-being for Youth in Islamic Nations

Tuesday, 30th January
Dr. Habib Reza Arzani Cultural Consellor of the Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran
Prof. Dr. Mohamad Fazli Sabri
Dean of FEM, UPM

Mdm. Shahhanim Binti Yahya Senior Research Executive Research & Planning Division IYRES
Dr Salah Mahdi Khaleel
Academic Advisor for Malaysia, China & Southeast Asia The Embassy of the Republic of Iraq
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Falahat
Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (A.P.U.)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Mursyid Arshad Lecturer at the Faculty of Educational Studies, UPM
Dr. Kaveh Javani
Deputy Director - Piyatech Sdn. Bhd.
Assoc Prof Dr Hossein Nezakati Alizadeh
Lecturer at Department of Marketing Strategy & Innovation, Sunway University
Dr. Ahmet Temel
Counsellor for Religious Affairs Embassy of the Republic of Turkiye


, Jalan Ampang Hilir,

Kuala Lumpur



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