International Conference on Dialogue between Islam and Hinduism
  • Event group :
  • Event Status :
  • Start date : Dec 10 2022
  • End date : Dec 10 2022
  • Place : Auditorium, Rama Krishna Mission, Rama Krishna Ashram Marg Paharganj
  • Capacity : 500 Person
International Conference on Dialogue between Islam and Hinduism

International Conference on Dialogue between Islam and Hinduism

The topic: "The Role of mutual Co-existence in the development and peace” Being organized by Aligarh Interfaith Centre in Collaboration with Rama Krishna Mission and Centre for  Interrreligious Dialogue of I.R.Iran

Time: December 10, 2022 at 10:00 am

Venue: Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission

The Details of programs: Saturday, December 10, 2022, the third round of dialogues between Islam and Hinduism

Composition of the members of the Iranian delegation: Mr. Dr. Mustafavi, Deputy International Representative of the Office of the Supreme Leader, Hojjat al-Islam Dr. Abolqasem Dolabi, Advisor to the President, Hojjat al-Islam Dr. Turkashvand, Head of the Educational and Research Institute of Islamic Sects and Head of the Research Center of Islamic Religions Qom

Hojjat al-Islam wal-Muslimeen, Dr. AlWiri, a distinguished professor of the university, Dr. Sadat Kiaei, Academic Advisor of the Religion Dialogue Center ICRO,, and Dr. Taheri, a cultural expert , ICRO.

The composition of Indian members participating in the program: officials f the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, some Members of the RSS, a number of prominent Hindu religious leaders, a group of university professors and researchers.



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