83th Anjuman Adabi Bedil Dehlavi
  • Event group :
  • Event Status :
  • Start date : May 13 2022
  • End date : May 13 2022
  • Place : Iran Culture House, New Delhi
  • Capacity : 100 Person
83th Anjuman Adabi Bedil Dehlavi

On the Occasion of Farsi & Ferdosi Day
83th Anjuman Adabi Bedil Dehlavi
 is going to be held along with book release of Farhang-e-Aryan, V, 7 & Presentation by Afghani Artists group in the Presence of Persian Professors, Scholars & Students.
Date: 13th May, 2022 @ 4: Pm
Venue: Iran Culture House, New Delhi


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