• Dec 14 2024 - 15:33
  • 101
  • Study time : 2 minute(s)
Holding education-based meetings in the field of women and family in Nigeria entitled

The Role of Religious Teachings in Raising Righteous Children

The Cultural Consultation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Nigeria has identified these groups and institutions in Nigeria with the aim of empowering institutions and organizations active in the field of women in Nigeria, especially related institutions and groups, in line with the thoughts and ideas of the rich culture of Shiism and the Ahl al-Bayt (AS).


Holding education-based meetings in the field of women and family in Nigeria entitled :

" The Role of Religious Teachings in Raising Righteous Children "


The Cultural Consultation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Nigeria has identified these groups and institutions in Nigeria with the aim of empowering institutions and organizations active in the field of women in Nigeria, especially related institutions and groups, in line with the thoughts and ideas of the rich culture of Shiism and the Ahl al-Bayt (AS).

The Al-Zahra Society of Nigeria, which was founded in 1402 by a group of university professors and Shiites in the states of Kano and Kaduna, is one of these institutions active in the field of women in Nigeria, which has been a partner and collaborator in the implementation of this program.

In order to support and strengthen this institution and turn it into a reference and practical institution, the Cultural Consultation of our country has made the necessary plans in this regard so that this group can have the necessary enlightenment and leadership among its population and other institutions aligned and with the same mission in Nigeria through the implementation of education-based and workshop-based programs.

In this regard, based on the suggestion of the head of this association, Dr. Fatemeh Ismail, it is planned to hold a series of programs on a regular and periodic basis to enlighten and promote the general and social knowledge of women.  By the grace of God, another program of the educational and workshop program of this group entitled "  The Role of Religious Teachings in the Raising of Righteous Children"  was held by Dr.  Barak Aliu, a professor at Bauchi State University in northern Nigeria.

In this lecture, he briefly referred to issues such as  choosing a spouse as  the first important step in raising righteous children, the religious and cultural  behavior and attitude  of parents, the role of  pregnancy until the age of 7 and above, and also the role  of parents in these stages, and at the end, the  negative effects of social media and the influence of peer groups on children. were also emphasized.


December 2024

Cultural Consultation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Nigeria


نیجریه ابوجا

نیجریه ابوجا

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