• Nov 18 2022 - 16:00
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Martyrs' memory night was held with the presence of Cultural Counsellor of I.R.Iran New Delhi Dr. Ali Rabbani in Sirsi Sadat

Martyrs' memory night was held with the presence of Cultural Counsellor of I.R.Iran New Delhi Dr. Ali Rabbani in Sirsi Sadat

On November 16, 2022; an event commemorating martyr Haj Qasim, martyr Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, martyr Hojaji etc... was held with the title of Night of Remembrance of Martyrs by the youth of Sirsi Sadat region (Moradabad, Attar Pradesh, India) with the presence of Dr. Ali Rabbani, the Cultural Counselor of Iran in New Delhi, Hojjatul Islam Akhtar Abbas June Lucknow, Maulana Jenan Asghar Delhi, Mehdi Baqer Khan Delhi, Dr. Mohammad Mehboob Razavi Department of Shia Theology of Aligarh Islamic University, Azadar Hossein Abedi Saharanpur, Kiafi Sambali.

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