• Jan 31 2025 - 15:15
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HARARE, 30 January 2025 The Cultural Counsellor of the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran this Thursday, the 31st January paid a highly successful visit to the Dean of Arts and Humanities at the University of Zimbabwe, Prof. Fainos Mangena to discuss the modalities of the upcoming Iranian film festival to be held at the university on the 28th and February 2025.

Mr Bakhtiyar said the main objective of holding the film festival was to share the latest knowledge on film making and production.
Prof Mangena said the university of Zimbabwe enjoys an excellent relationship with the Islamic Republic of Iran and is therefore quite beneficial to partner the Cultural Centre in the hosting of the film festival.
During the festival, both family and animation films would be screened.
Students from the department of Creative Media and Communications as well as from the department of Ethics, Religion and Philosophy are expected to attend as well as some members of the Cinema Society of Zimbabwe.
There would also be some presentations on film making and production by two top film makers from Iran as well as from the university of Zimbabwe and from the Cultural Counsellor of the embassy of Iran, Mr Bakhtiyar.
حراره  زیمبابوه

حراره زیمبابوه

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