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The Cultural Centre Holds a Grand Ceremony on The Birth Anniversary of Imam Ali (As), 2025
The Cultural Centre of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Zimbabwe yesterday on the 13 Rajab of 2025, hosted a grand ceremony in commemoration of the birth anniversary of Imam Ali (AS), at Aale -Muhammad Mosque in Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. This joyous occasion was marked by a majestic gathering, which brought together Muslims from diverse backgrounds and organizations in Zimbabwe.
The newly appointed Charged-Affairs, Mr. Thaheri, of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Zimbabwe, also graced the occasion with his presence. In his address, he eloquently spoke about how Islam has been protected and guided by the leadership of Imam Ali (as) and his progeny. Mr. Thaharri went on to emphasize the importance of emulating Imam Ali's character in our daily lives, inspiring the audience to strive for excellence and moral integrity. His words resonated deeply with the gathered Muslims at the event.
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