• Dec 30 2024 - 13:22
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  • Study time : 2 minute(s)

The Role of the Family in the Formation of the Soleimani School

On the eve of the fifth anniversary of the martyrdom of the commander of hearts, Haj Qassem Soleimani, our country's cultural consultation in Nigeria held a series of specialized programs and meetings to explain the thoughts and thoughts of that great martyr in the field of Islam, revolution and resistance, as well as to keep alive the


The Role of the Family in the Formation of the Soleimani School


On the eve of the fifth anniversary of the martyrdom of the commander of hearts, Haj Qassem Soleimani, our country's cultural consultation in Nigeria held a series of specialized programs and meetings to explain the thoughts and thoughts of that great martyr in the field of Islam, revolution and resistance, as well as to keep alive the memory of the leader of the  resistance in the hearts and introduce him as  a symbol of courage, sacrifice,  courage and peace.to the international community. In this regard, the first meeting of this series of meetings and dialogues was held in Nigeria with a focus on the role of the family in the training of this personality under the title of "The Role of the Family in the Formation of the Soleimani School".

In the opening ceremony of this meeting, Mr. Majid Kamrani, the Cultural Advisor of our country, while welcoming the participants of this meeting, announced  that General Soleimani was not only a military commander, but also a social reformer and sympathetic to the oppressed nations.   With his sacrifices, he saved not only Iran but also the region from terrorism and serious threats.  His martyrdom was not the end of the road, but a turning point in the history of the struggles of the freedmen and those who fight for truth and justice. Today, it is the duty of all of us to introduce his thoughts and thoughts, as well as the foundations for the formation of this school, to  the world and the international community as a good model

  In the continuation of the meeting, 6 prominent personalities of Iran and Nigeria spoke in this regard.  Dr. Fatima Ismail Hassan, President of Al-Zahra Society of Nigeria and Professor of Ahmad Balavi Zaria University, Dr. Maimuneh Hussain from Bayeroi University of Kano State, Dr. Niloufar Moghaddam Khomami from Al-Zahra University in Tehran, Dr. Faezeh Abdollahi from AEDC Abuja Center, Dr. Batool Moazeh from Kaduna University of Medical Sciences, Dr. Fatemeh Yahya Gilmeh from Malati Kaduna State, as well as Dr. Rahma Lemo from Gombe State University, delivered speeches on topics such as the perseverance and resistance  of the family of Martyr Qassem Soleimani, Martyr Soleimani and the concept of the resilient family,  the childhood and family background of Qassem Soleimani, learning  lessons from the impact of Qassem Soleimani on the lives  of his children,  and the family of Qassem Soleimanias a model  for everyone.

January 2024

Cultural Consultation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Nigeria



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