Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
The first Iranian center of higher education, University of Jundishapur, was founded about 1500 years ago, i.e. in 530 CE where various sciences such as medicine, philosophy, theology, mathematics, music, politics, and agriculture were taught. This center of higher education was founded to further the scientific progress of the nation and the most advanced knowledge of those days in the field of medicine was taught to students from different nationalities. After that glorious period, a university by the same was established in Ahvaz City in 1955 in memory of the old Jundishapur University. This university was later renamed “Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz”.
The Faculty of Agriculture was the first faculty of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, which started its activities in 1955 by admitting 40 students. The following year, preparations were made for the establishment of the faculty of medicine and the further expansion of this university. By the time of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, nearly four thousand students were studying in 40 undergraduate courses and 17 postgraduate courses.
Iran being invaded by Saddam Hussain’s Ba’athist regime in September 1980, educational and research activities of this university were disrupted for some time but were resumed after a few years.
Certain Facts and Figures about Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
Area-wise, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz is the fourth-largest university in Iran and the largest university in the southwest region of the country. Presently, this university is operating with 13 faculties and 53 educational groups of which 22 groups are in the faculty of humanities, seven groups in basic sciences, seven groups in technical and engineering, 13 groups in agricultural and veterinary sciences, and two groups in arts. This university also conducts three courses at the associate level, 56 courses at the undergraduate level, 107 courses at the postgraduate level, and 59 courses at the specialized doctorate and professional doctorate levels.
The presence of more than 500 full-time faculty members at this university has considerably raised the level of its educational and research activities. The number of students in this university stands at 16 thousand, about a quarter of which study at the undergraduate level. According to university officials, more than 700 foreign students follow their higher education at this university. Every year, the International Scientific Cooperation Management Center of this university makes calls for admitting foreign students.
Research Centers and Facilities
Shahid Chamran University is considered the pole of water studies in Iran. The activities of the “Jundishapur Institute of Water and Energy Research Center” of this university have greatly contributed to its growth in this field. This institute officially started its activities in 2008. The faculty has two affiliate groups of “Drilling Chemistry” and “Drilling Technology”.
Due to the presence of large oil and gas industries in Khuzestan province, this center is in close interaction with them. Another oil-related research center is the “Petroleum Geology and Geochemistry Research Center”, the activities of which are mainly focused on the exploration of oil and hydrocarbon materials and the management of oil reservoirs.
The other research centers of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz include Iron and Steel Research Center, Gas Networks Research Center, Innovation and Creativity Center Research Center, and Behavioral Sciences Research Center.
The scientific pole is a symbol of organized activity among a group of faculty members in an institution in a particular scientifically specialized field, which, through its activities strives to innovate and achieve superior scientific quality at the national, regional, or international level and cater to the basic needs of the country.
The four scientific poles of “Continuous Education”, “Aquatic Health and Diseases”, “Network Improvement and Maintenance” and “Research in Drilling Technology” are affiliated with Shahid Chamran University and are known as venues for organized scientific activities with the aim of improving quality in these areas at the national, regional, or international level.
Name | Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz |
Country | Iran |
Total students | 16000 |
Foreign students | 700 |
Contacts | 061-33226360 |
Website | https://scu.ac.ir/ |



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