• Feb 24 2025 - 14:41
  • 6
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)

Holding a knowledge-enhancing course entitled Ethics, Unity, and Awareness of New Religious Resources

One of the fundamental pillars in the promotion of religion and the spread of Islamic knowledge is the role of religious missionaries, who always act as the custodians of religious teachings and society. Due to the increasing developments in various cultural, social, political, and scientific fields, it is necessary that missionaries are always up-to-date and aware of the latest religious topics. cultural and propaganda methods should be effective. In this regard, holding knowledge enhancement courses for religious missionaries is not only considered as a necessity but can also help to improve their scientific and skill level.


One of the  fundamental pillars in the promotion of religion and the spread of Islamic knowledge is the role of religious missionaries, who always act as  the custodians of religious teachings and society. Due to the increasing developments in various cultural, social, political, and scientific fields, it  is necessary that missionaries are always up-to-date and aware of the latest religious topics. cultural and propaganda methods should be effective. In this regard, holding knowledge enhancement courses for religious missionaries is not only considered as a necessity but can also help to improve their scientific and skill level.

The Cultural Consultation of the Embassy of our country in Nigeria, in close cooperation with the branch of Al-Mustafa University in Abuja, has organized a  course  on Islamic studies for missionaries entitled "Ethics, Unity and Awareness of New Religious Sources" for Nigerian missionaries.

Mr. Majid Kamrani, the cultural advisor of our country in Nigeria, stated in this regard that currently we have more than 400 native missionaries graduated from the scientific centers of Islamic Iran and indigenous scientific and seminary centers in Nigeria, most of whom need to update their religious knowledge based on the cultural context and the latest developments in Nigeria and the world. It will also be held.

In this course, 11 main topics such as the sense of responsibility and duty of missionaries, avoiding  division and trying to create unity among Muslims, etiquette and enjoying the sense of companionship and good manners, the method of identifying sources, how to get acquainted with superstitions and weak  and baseless content,  and correct analysis of political and social issues will be held with the presence of Iranian and Nigerian professors offline and online.  


March 2025

Cultural Consultation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Nigeria

نیجریه ابوجا

نیجریه ابوجا

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