• Mar 10 2025 - 08:51
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Farabi Intl. Award to be held

The 16th Farabi International Award (FIA), the most prestigious award for humanities and Islamic studies in the Islamic world, will be held by the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology in cooperation with the National Foundation for Elites and the National Commission for UNESCO.

FIA aims to identify talents, best scientific works, theories, new methods, and research in the fields of humanities and Islamic studies, ISNA reported.

The participants will present their researches in fields such as “Ethics, Religions and Mysticism”; “History, Geography and Archaeology”; “Law”; “Language, Literature and Linguistics”; “Social Sciences and Communication Sciences”; “Economics, Management and Financial Sciences”; “Educational Sciences, Psychology, Behavioral Sciences and Sports Sciences”; “Political Sciences, International Relations and Regional Studies”; “Quranic Sciences, Interpretation and Hadith”; “Jurisprudence and Principles”; “Philosophy, Logic and Theology”; “Theoretical Studies of Information Technology, Informatics and Librarianship”; “Studies of the Islamic Revolution and Imam Khomeini”, “Studies of Art and Aesthetics”, “Interdisciplinary Studies”, and “Islamic Humanities Committee (Articles)”.

Participants will be able to share their works from March 10 to April 30. Works that are both innovative and research-based are accepted, reviewed, evaluated, selected, and honored in the award.

The event presents the awards in the categories of books, final research project reports, doctoral dissertations and master’s theses, and research articles (merely in Islamic Humanities).

The Award receives, reviews, and chooses the selected works at the two young (under 35 years) and adult levels and, in terms of territory, covers both domestic and foreign areas. Where the domestic area is concerned, all the works produced by Iranians, regardless of their current location and profession, are considered.

آفریقای جنوبی پرتوریا

آفریقای جنوبی پرتوریا

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