Tarbiat Modares University
As an elite and exclusively postgraduate university, Tarbiat Modares University was established with the primary mission of training faculty members and researchers for universities and centers of higher education in various fields. This postgraduate university the main campus of which is in Tehran, only admits students at post-graduation and doctorate levels.
Tarbiat Modares Educational Institute was established in 1981 and began to admit students in 1982. In 1986, the status of this educational institute was upgraded and renamed Tarbiat Modares University.
The Faculty of Management and Economics was one of the first faculties of this center of higher education that engaged in educational and research activities in the fields of management, economics, accounting, and other related subjects in human sciences. Faculties of humanities, civil and environmental engineering, technical engineering, agriculture and basic sciences, along with the faculties of chemistry, medical sciences, technical and engineering, and mechanical engineering, are among the first faculties of this university.
The Present-Day Structure of Tarbiat Modares University
Currently, about 10,000 students pursue their higher education at Tarbiat Modares University, of which nearly 200 are foreign students. So far, more than 32 thousand people have graduated from this university. During its lifetime, students and graduates of this university have written more than 33,000 scholarly papers and registered nearly 4,000 inventions.
Tarbiat Modares University has more than 750 faculty members who teach in 17 faculties. The university has the following 14 research institutes and centers:
1. Economics Research Institute
2. Information Technology Research Institute
3. Water Engineering Research Institute
4. Environmental Engineering Research Institute
5. Chabahar Research Center
6. Persian Language and Literature Research Center
7. Center for Teaching Persian Language to non-Persian speakers
8. Road and Transportation Engineering Research Center
9. Biotechnology Research and Development Center
10. Legal Studies Center
11. Center for Studies on Culture and Religious Thought
12. Center for Management Studies
13. Center for Management Studies and Technology Development
14. National Center for Studies and Planning of Power Networks
The Science and Technology Park of this university was launched in 2003, which started its activities with 18 technology units and, presently, 76 companies are its members. This Science and Technology Park, which has two campuses in the east and west of Tehran, provides the required environment for exchanging experiences among knowledge-based companies. The park operates in six specialized fields of technology, basic sciences, health and medicine, agriculture and natural resources, arts and humanities.
The library of the Tarbiat Modares University is one of the largest and most comprehensive libraries in the country.
The Global Status of Tarbiat Modares University
Tarbiat Modares University is one of the best universities in Iran in terms of scientific level. In the year 2023, this university ranked 301 to 400 in the fields of geology and chemical engineering, 201 to 300 in the fields of mechanical engineering, food science and technology, agricultural science, veterinary science, nursing, science and energy engineering, and civil engineering, and in and 101 to 150 in the field of water resources, and 401 to 500 in the field of biotechnology, respectively in Shanghai Ranking. This university also ranks 44th in the field of mining engineering in the Shanghai Ranking, and is, thus, the first among Iranian universities.
The position of Tarbiat Modares University in the ISC World Universities Ranking also indicates its lofty among Iranian universities in terms of educational quality. This university ranks 501 to 600 in the field of natural sciences, 451 to 500 in the field of engineering and technology, and 601 to 700 in the field of medical and health sciences, respectively, and its ranking of 208 in agricultural sciences makes it third among the Iranian universities.
According to Webometrics Ranking of World Universities published in 2021, Tarbiat Modares University ranked 778th in the world and 6th in Iran. In terms of publication of scientific papers, Tarbiat Modares ranks third among Iranian universities.
Name | Tarbiat Modares University |
Country | Iran |
World University Ranking | 44 |
Type | Governmental |
Total students | 10000 |
Foreign students | 200 |
Contacts | 021-82880 |
Website | https://modares.ac.ir/ |

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